Slavic Mutual Funds Management Corporation

Slavic Mutual Funds Management Corporation (SMF) is a registered investment adviser and may serve as a 3(21) or a 3(38) plan Fiduciary. SMF offers investment advice to plan sponsors and investment education to plan participants. 

Form ADV is the uniform form used by investment advisers to register with both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and state securities authorities.

In order to evaluate the risks associated with a particular investment adviser, its business practices, and its investment strategies, it is important that you review all parts of the advisers form ADV.

You can access the SMF Form CRS here.

You can access all parts of the SMF Form ADV on the SEC’s website here.

The three parts of Form ADV are:

  1. Form ADV Part 1 is used by investment advisers to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and state securities authorities. Although designed for a regulatory purpose you can access it on the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (IAPD) website. It contains Information about the investment adviser’s business, ownership, clients, employees, business practices, affiliations, and any disciplinary events of the adviser or its employees.
  2. Form ADV Part 2 is the primary disclosure document for investment advisers. It provides information about the adviser’s business practices, fees, conflicts of interest, disciplinary information and other disclosures that may be of interest to you. Investment advisers are required to deliver a copy of their Form ADV Part 2 to clients and prospective clients.
  3. Form ADV Part 3 (referred to as Form CRS) is the client relationship summary form that provides information about the services the adviser offers, the fees and costs you will have to pay for those services, conflicts of interest the firm has, key questions to ask the adviser, and references to where you can find more detailed information about the adviser and the services they offer. Investment advisers are required to deliver their relationship summary to clients and prospective clients.
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